Top Bay Area Life Coach. Career coach for job search, resume, interview skills. Achieve goals, personal & professional growth. Business coach for small business owner/ CEO. SF Bay Area.

Art of Success - Site Map - Life Coaching, Effectiveness, Results Art of Success Executive And Life Coaching for Greater Effectiveness and Results Oriented Action Leading to Achievement, Balance, Fulfillment
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Life coach & strategist for personal growth & professional advancement  •  Leadership, effectiveness, achievement, fulfillment
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Page Summary

 Welcome. Here's a quick outline of the major areas & dimensions of success - listing key life goals and how you can achieve them - with sound processes, helpful and objective feedback, new ideas.

And how life coaching and career coaching can effectively support you in your achievement of goals - and keep you motivated in your personal action plan for success.

Evaluate your readiness and pre-requisites to pursue and achieve your major goals and dreams; the benefits of investing in your own personal growth; and achieving contentment and fulfillment in your life.

The concepts and supporting processes are detailed further in the other sections of the site.

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Key Questions


Next Steps







To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.
Anatole France







The world makes way for the person who knows where they are going.
Ralph Waldo Emerson







Opportunities multiply as they are seized.
Sun Tzu







Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.
Maya Angelou







Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow only a vision. But today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Eastern saying.








Are you looking for ways to achieve a more productive and satisfying life?

- with a fulfilling integration of your innate talents and cultivated strengths, core values and inner beliefs, long-held interests and emerging realizations?



Are you aspiring to achieve any of these goals & outcomes in your life right now?

Professional & career goals

  • Enhancing your performance & recognition at work to achieve your career & financial goals
  • Looking for a new job (job search, resume, interview skills) or applying for college / MBA admissions
  • Handling new responsibilities at work requiring new skills (management, communication, planning.)
  • Preparing for a new job or a new career (career transition and new or enhanced job skills)

Business goals

  • Starting a new business venture (creating a solid business plan)
  • Planning to take your business or organization to the next level
  • Becoming more effective and organized to make time & energy for additional pursuits

Personal goals

  • Clarifying and working on your personal life goals for a more fulfilling & joyful future
  • Improving your relationships and communications to enhance your life
  • Resolving some long standing issues & energy drains - and moving forward with fresh motivation
  • Making meaningful contributions to your community, society, and the world


Do you want to increase your level of satisfaction & enjoyment in the following areas?

  ►  Work and career
  ►  Prosperity and security
  ►  Personal life and aspirations
  ►  Communications and relationships

  ►  Community, Social Giving, & Inner Peace

And achieve balance across the above dimensions.

Sphere of Success - ©

Your aspirations & goals can become a reality - when you devote yourself to cultivating the art of success - genuine, authentic, enduring success.

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How do you start on the path towards greater personal and professional success?

You can start applying the ABCDs of success (yes, there's the extra letter er. step!)
to develop your personal strengths, skills, style
and revitalize your sense of inspiration, motivation, determination.

With the help of insightful discussions, tips & feedback, goal-setting
with a friend, partner, or a coach - who acts as your personal tutor /
personal trainer for your life, career, business, and relationship skills.


  • Chart your course and take specific actions to
  • create a more fulfilling and satisfying life
  • taking you from where you are today to where you want to be
  • developing valuable & enduring skills that will empower you for life!


Get started today!      



Art of Success Coaching icon   ARE YOU READY ... to move forward?

Working with a supportive friend or career / life coach can enhance & transform your life WHEN ...


 You are sincerely ready to make some changes, tackle some important goals, and set your direction moving forward.

You truly wish to enhance your strengths and opportunities- in the key areas of your life.


You're looking for a sounding board to discuss your plans, patterns and improvement areas and the best ways to work on them.

You want to develop specific action plans to revitalize your life, work and relationships.



While we are undoubtedly influenced by our circumstances and the actions of those around us, we are ultimately the owner and CEO of our own lives and our future - with the power to decide and act on our thoughts, feelings, intentions & strategies for the future; thereby creating and enjoying a fulfilling life.  

Like any effective CEO with his executive team and board of directors, we can benefit substantially from the presence and active support of an objective, encouraging partner or team. This could be a committed, capable & available friend, life partner, or a career / life coach. Their support is especially powerful and effective when we are embarking on a new path towards greater personal leadership, effectiveness, achievement and fulfillment.

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To learn more about the art of success life and career coaching, please explore the other sections of the site using the navigation bar at the top. Feel free to contact us with your questions, comments, and growth goals.


 Contact me today to set up a 2 hour session.  

    Take action
and start seeing results!




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Personal, business, career coaching  •  Effective life coach, advisor, mentor for success  •  New college grads, new job, new managers, business owners
San Francisco Bay Area / Silicon Valley


learn - practice - refine

strategies,  goals,  plans,  skills,  time management for success

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Personal, Business, Career Coaching Mentoring - for Personal, Career, Business Success Partnering - for greater Effectiveness, Achievement, Fulfilment