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Page Summary

This section provides some valuable tips on recognizing a genuine, sound approach that leads to authentic and enduring success.

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If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it.
Abraham Lincoln











Effective life coaching for real world success

Multiple dimensions of effective life coaching

There are many options for working on greater effectiveness, achievement & fulfillment in life.

To accomplish meaningful, measurable, real-life changes, it is best to find a mentor or coach (life coach, business coach, career coach) who follows a sound approach that is backed by a solid combination of:

  • real world leadership, coaching & management experience with
  • a set of sound concepts, best practices, principles that are applicable to your goals / situation / needs.
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Be sure to select an approach and coach that fits with your individual needs and preferences.
Key aspects of an effective life coaching approach / style                        

 ►  Based on wide-ranging, real-world experience.

 ►  Backed by solid personal and professional credentials.

 ►  Motivated by the passion to help people achieve their life goals.

 ►  Creative problem-solving - tailored and directed to your situation.

 ►  Grounded on tested concepts & techniques, not fads/ gimmicks.


Someone who supports regular and trusting communications, including face-to-face meetings, especially in the early stages. One whose guiding principle is to empower you rather than create a dependency.

While inspiration and cheerleading are important elements that can help us get motivated, genuine programs go much further by focusing on the development of necessary skills and action plans - enabling and (realistically) motivating you to start taking definite steps towards your goals.


 Contact me today to set up a 2 hour session.  

    Take action & start getting results!



The coaching process is a collaborative one that requires regular effort and follow-up from both sides. The key ingredients are trust, mutual respect and open communications. (All communications are of course kept strictly confidential).

With the right attitude and determination, it becomes a very rewarding and insightful experience leading you towards greater effectiveness, the achievement of your chosen goals and a sense of fulfillment.




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Personal, business, career coaching  •  Effective life coach, advisor, mentor for success  •  New college grads, new job, new managers, business owners
San Francisco Bay Area / Silicon Valley


learn - practice - refine

strategies,  goals,  plans,  skills,  time management for success

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Personal, Business, Career Coaching Mentoring - for Personal, Career, Business Success Partnering - for greater Effectiveness, Achievement, Fulfilment