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Page Summary

Review these questions, a life coaching checklist in a way, to stimulate and organize your thoughts about your life.

Assess where you are today in terms of achieving your goals and fulfilling your needs and aspirations.

You can also take this coaching self-assessment to help you decide what options you have and what steps you can take to meaningfully work on your self & goals - to progress on your journey to authentic success.

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Key Questions

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What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?
Robert Schuller







You don't have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things - to compete. You just need to be sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals.
Edmund Hillary







The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Winston Churchill







The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
Lao Tzu







To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.
Anatole France











Do I need to hone my success skills?  
Will I benefit from coaching?

Those are great questions, that only you can objectively answer. Here are some pointers to help you think about it.

They will help you honestly evaluate whether you are realizing your full potential, whether you are reaping the joys and rewards of applying your talents and energies - towards your chosen goals, interests and people.







  Do you often feel …?  
  • You can take on and achieve greater things in life than what you have done so far.
  • You want to extend the success you have achieved in some areas of your life to higher levels and to other areas.
  • You wish to develop some new skills and personal strengths that will open new doors and expand your horizons.
  • You are pulled in too many directions, thus unable to focus your energies productively.
  • You are alternating between multiple projects/ideas without making good progress on any of them.
  • There are some goals you would like to strive for but you hesitate for some reason.
      Perhaps you realize ...  
  • With greater personal effectiveness and encouragement, you could achieve your list of major goals.
  • The need to organize your life and realize you could use some help in doing it right.
  • You have several opportunities and goals, but need some clarity and strategizing to help you set priorities.
  • A hands-on refresher on time & work management techniques & other core areas will greatly enhance your performance.
  • Though things are more or less OK now, you need/want to set some meaningful life goals.
  • You wish to balance your energies and rewards across the major dimensions of life including personal/social relationships and non-work/money related goals.
    Maybe, at times ...  
  • You set goals, develop ideas and plans but can't seem to get started.
  • You are unsure where to begin to achieve balance and contentment in life.
  • You want to get over an underlying nagging dissatisfaction with life.
  • You are conceptualizing and strategizing but never getting to action.
  • You have too many outstanding to-dos - don't know where to start.
  • You have a few unpleasant to-dos that are blocking the rest.

  Do you often wish …        
  • to get the sense that you are managing & living your life in the best possible way.
  • to feel that you are not only working hard for your goals but also working smart.
  • to believe that life is not just hard work and routine but also interesting and fulfilling.
  • to feel confident, motivated and on top on things.
  • to sense the energy and exhilaration of striving towards your full potential.
  • to achieve greater contentment and clarity in your life.

If you have consciously considered and pondered over a number of these questions or faced some of these dilemmas before, then you can probably benefit significantly by considering some options & actions that will help you achieve these goals and aspirations.

Your life awaits your DECISION to take charge,
to take courageous and persistent steps to focus your
     attention, strengths and energies on your key goals;
to take advantage of relevant, quality resources who can
     help you with the above as well as:
to look ahead with optimism and enthusiasm, and
to realize your full potential and find fulfillment in life.

          Perhaps you have been looking for…
    The Circle of Success  
  • A real solution after trying various avenues - (such as getting information and advice from family, friends, articles, self-help books, seminars) - that made you realize that you need that something extra to achieve real change and lasting results.
  • An effective approach that is rational and action-oriented - something that relies on but goes far beyond an understanding of your unique personal experiences, issues and strengths.
  • A personalized one-on-one program that will help you clarify your goals, understand your past patterns, hone your skills and operating style; guiding you to take concrete, well-planned steps towards achieving your cherished goals.

 If a number of the statements above strike a chord, please take the opportunity to review the benefits of coaching and most importantly, start taking action to enhance your life.

Feel free to contact us with your queries or for information on getting started.



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Personal, business, career coaching  •  Effective life coach, advisor, mentor for success  •  New college grads, new job, new managers, business owners
San Francisco Bay Area / Silicon Valley


learn - practice - refine

strategies,  goals,  plans,  skills,  time management for success

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