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Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow just a vision. But every today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Ancient Eastern saying






Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.
Alexander Graham Bell






The common idea that success spoils people by making them vain, egotistic and complacent is erroneous; on the contrary it makes them, for the most part, humble, tolerant and kind.
William Somerset Maugham





You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.
Abraham Lincoln




PRIVACY POLICY respects your right to privacy and is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust. We do not sell, rent. share or give away any personally identifiable information you provide us through our website or other communication channels. We have created the following privacy policy to inform you about the ways in which we collect and use such information.

Normal website usage: does not collect any personally identifiable information from you without your knowledge and permission, and we do not ask that you enter any personal information to access or use most areas of the website. The only information we collect from a normal web site visit is the standard information generated for all website traffic, i.e. the name of your internet service provider, the browser and type of machine you are using, the web site that referred you to us, the pages you request and the date and time you request them. We use this information to generate statistics and measure site activity to improve the usefulness of the site to our visitors.

In order to use some of the tools and functions, however, such as the online forum, you must enter some identifying information. does not disclose this information to anyone except 1) to identify you, as described in the following three paragraphs, to those you choose to contact through our website and 2) to manage our website and database with the help of service providers, who are subject to a non-disclosure agreement. Information you provide is stored in a secure location and is accessible only by designated staff.

"Tell Your Friends", Postcards and "Forward this Link" Pages
To forward an article, postcard or link you must enter your name, your email address and the email address(es) of anyone you are sending it to. includes your name and email address when we send your message.

Other Places Information May Be Requested
In addition to information you enter when sending messages to friends and forum members from the website, you may submit information directly to for purposes including purchasing items, donating, subscribing to an email bulletin or entering a contest. will NOT disclose this information to anyone except in accordance with any rules you agree to as a contestant and, as described above, to manage our website and database with the help of service providers, who are subject to a non-disclosure agreement.

Reviewing and Updating Your Information
You can review and update the information we have on record by contacting (a link to our contact information appears at the foot of this page).

Communications from
If you have opted to receive any of our publications by email you are able at any time to unsubscribe by following the directions that appear here and in the email publication itself or by contacting (a link to our contact information appears at the foot of this page).

When you provide with your email address and mailing address we may contact you to send you special updates or to request you to participate in surveys. You can choose not to receive such requests by contacting our communications department via e-mail with the word unsub in the subject line.


Once again, deeply respects your right to privacy and is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust. We do not sell, rent, share or give away any personally identifiable information you provide us through our website.



Our Coaching programs are comprised of distinct modules as outlined in the Programs section of this website. While we wish to support as many people as we can, to maintain the high quality of the program, new clients are only accepted on a space available basis. To maximize your personal growth and return on investment, we recommend that you decide on the combination of Levels AA, A and B modules at the start of your coaching program. Payment for each module is required prior to the start of any program. Remember to plan ahead to apply for Term Discounts and Lifetime Discount Plans.

To ensure that we can serve all our clients with the same high level of service, we recommend that cancellation of scheduled appointments be made at least 72 hours in advance - but we are flexible in terms of converting a face-to-face meeting to a telephone meeting or to an offline meeting where you send a detailed e-mail report prior to the scheduled meeting time. We will do our best to reschedule as soon as possible and minimize the disruption to your ongoing progress. We are strongly committed to your success and will support and encourage well-thought out, timely, disciplined action in all areas of your life, including your coaching relationship!


WEBSITE TERMS OF SERVICE - Use of Materials on this Site

The website is maintained for your personal information, education, and communication. Please feel free to browse and enjoy our site. We do request that you be respectful of our content and help us prevent copyright infringement that is a blow to creativity and entrepreneurial initiative. If you would like to use any material for non-commercial use without fee, please contact us and ensure that appropriate credit and a link to is provided. Thanks.

Legalese Version: All materials on our site, including but not limited to artwork, photographs, graphics, audio clips, video clips, text and trademarks, are the sole property of the site owner or its licensors. The exclusive rights to all materials on this site are protected by U.S. and international laws of copyright, trademark and unfair competition.

Permission to use, copy, and distribute any documents on this site, in whole or in part, for non-commercial use and without fee, may be granted, provided that a written request and written approval is obtained and appropriate credit to be included in all copies.



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